Practice makes perfect.

Practice makes perfect.

Monday 12 January 2015

Monday Motivation


Written by Amy Redfern.

Monday Motivation

I've always lived in the comfort zone. And can you blame me and the millions of others - I mean, it is called the 'comfort' zone right? The connotations of the word comfort are way too good to resist.

The concept of the comfort zone however undoubtedly varies massively from person to person. 

I know for me my job is always sending me outside where I feel comfortable, but I think it's time to step up my game and make my life truly uncomfortable. 

Maybe it's about time we all spent some time where the magic happens. 

This week - Aim to do at least one thing every day that is completely uncomfortable. 

Maybe pushing yourself outside your comfort zone means trying a new coffee shop or a different sandwich for lunch. Maybe it means adding an extra 10kg onto your bar at the gym. Maybe it means finally asking out the girl or guy you've been wanting to for the last year. 

Whatever it means to you I challenge you to go where the magic happens. Which just so happens to not be in your comfort zone.

Personal Trainer - Over and Out. 

Catch Me if you can 



Thursday 1 January 2015

5 Fitness Goals For The New Year.

As it's now 2015 - I think it's important to spend some time reflecting. 

Think about what you have achieved in 2014? What's next for 2015?
I wanted to share 5 things to do with fitness that I want to be able to do or achieve by the end of 2015. 

Hopefully this will provide ideas and encouragement for those who can't quite find what their goals are. 

-Try thinking about the reasons why or how you're going to get there.

-Try to think of goals that you might have always wanted and haven't quite got there, but you know are possible in the space of year. 

-You don't even have to think of them all today, you might find you want to save a space for a goal you may want to achieve further down the line.

You're not going to get them all at the same time so think about that one goal that maybe is easy to achieve in a shorter space of time or the one goal you've always wanted to reach. 

My Goals 2015. 

1. Improve my core strength. 

I currently struggle to hold a plank for 1 minute which as a personal trainer and fitness instructor is a tad weak (excuse the pun), as are the excuses I come up with to get away with it. Truth is - I really dislike core exercises. Give me burpees, give me squat thrusts, give me anything but sit ups, planking and leg raises. 

As I always say to my clients, it's all about targeting your weak areas. If you're not very good at something, make it a priority to get better at it - maybe I need to take my own advice!

Why? I like to describe the core as the 'bread and butter' of exercise - simply because without core strength it's almost impossible to do most functional movements.

How? I plan to combat my phobia of core work by simply incooperating a few core exercises into my routine.And gradually taking these exercises from the activation stage all the way through to the advanced stage. As well as that working on things like mobility/flexibilty and making sure that I get my technique perfect when doing heavier lifts. 

I might even try pilates.  

2.  Learn 3 Olympic Lifts.

Ambitious maybe, but definitely possible. Which particular 3 - I don't know. But I know the one I'm desperate to grasp is the Snatch. 

Why? The most important reason why this is a goal for me is actually nothing to do with myself. It's more to do with my clients. I want to be able to teach them these amazing things, so that in workouts we can actually do them!

I've got a few extremely keen and willing clients who I know would be overjoyed if they could learn Olympic Lifts. 

Also, learning Olympic Lifts helps me on my pathway to one day coaching at a CrossFit box. As well as that there's obviously the whole 'I want to look cool in the gym' thing going on too...but seriously, Olympic Lifts are the 'coolest'. Period.   

How? Go to CrossFit Oly Lifting classes. Go on a course? Watch Youtube Videos. 
I've even bought a book specifically about Olympic Lifting. 

3. Get Double-Unders, Get Kipping Pull-Ups, Get Muscle-Ups and Get Handstand Walks/Holds.

Cheekily squeezing four in one...but these are all relatively acheivable.  
I thought pistol squats were impossible, I thought pull-ups were impossible and I thought skipping was impossible...all of which I practiced and have seen a vast improvement in. 

Why? Again things I can get my clients to do which would be amazing for all of us. Also advancements in strength, and progression in workouts. It would also make workouts with pull-ups so much easier!  

How? Keep practicing. 

4. 10 Pull-Ups in a row. 

I can do 5 good pull ups currently. But my ultimate aim is to gain that 10. 

Why? A very personal thing, I've always wanted to be good at pull-ups because beneath burpees they're my favourite exercise. 

How? I plan to do this with a simple concept called practice. As well as that I know that improving my upper back strength and also my core strength (sigh) are key for me to gain more pull up power.

5. Go to CrossFit more often.

I dont want to talk about this one...hehe...*embarassed face*

My clients will also going to be undertaking the process of planning their goals for 2015. 

Happy New Year to all, I wish you an awesome and fitness-filled 2015.

Personal Trainer, over and out.